Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This Ain't The Friggin' Hokey Pokey

So yesterday I was lazy. I couldn't come up with any thing that sounded good for lunch, and our little grocery store was closed for the holiday. So it was pizza for lunch... and I just didn't eat. Hurk.

I set the pizza down in front of the kids saying to each little kid "It is hot. Leave it alone for a little bit or you'll burn yourself" they know what HOT means, and sat nicely for a few minutes while it cooled down enough to eat. I cut their pizza up, because... well just because... I don't know why, I guess it is less messy.

The big kids eat their pizza whole. I figured at the age of 8 and nearly 11 they would be old enough to know that *pizza is served HOT* but I still gave the warning *this just came out of the oven- HOT*

I sat down to the table with them. As I'm sitting there, I see my nearly 11 year old daughter sticking the pizza in her mouth, half way biting down, pulling the whole thing back out, and then doing it again. At least 5 times... never taking an actual bite because it was burning her.

So after seeing her do it several times my tourette syndrom kicked in. ahemmmm... this is what came out....

"WHAT THE HELL MAN! This ain't the hokey pokey! Ya don't put the whole thing in, then take the whole thing out! Take a bite, or LEAVE IT BE. GAAAAA"

She just about pissed herself. That was her new saying of the day. "This ain't the hokey pokey MAN!". I guess it beats the hell out of her typical "What goes on?" which makes me cringe. She kept saying I was the funniest mom ever. I agree.


  1. I'm your very first follower, does that mean I win a prize?? :lol:

  2. Hehehehe ... can't wait for more stories to come. You definitely need a more "hokey pokey" background for your blog though ;)

  3. I'm stalking Donna... so I guess I'm gonna follow your blog too.

    (it is finally gonna let me post a frikken comment!)

  4. It's about time you started your blog!
